PS 32 Drama Lab (1st-5th Grade)
PS 32 Drama Lab (1st-5th Grade)
Spring Trimester Wednesdays | 2:45-4:45pm | April 1, 2025 - June 13, 2025 | 1st-5th Grade
Theme and activities
Everyone is a star! Drama Lab focuses on theater games and activities with one main goal: that every student feels accepted, finds their place to belong, and becomes more confident in who they are. **Families who are enrolled in special interest classes that begin at 3:45pm must either also be enrolled in a special interest class that begins at 2:45 pm, A.C.C. (After Care Club), an alternate after school program, or have a caregiver pick up their child at school dismissal and return them to the school auditorium at the time of their special interest class. Need Care Until 6pm, add on A.C.C. (ADDED CARE CLUB). Families who book A.C.C. on the same day as their special interest class will receive care through 6pm and on all additional trimester days the special interest class is not in session.
PS 32
P.S. 032 Samuel Mills Sprole School, Union Street, Brooklyn, NY, USA
+1 855 687 6923 Ext.719
Cancellation Policy
Families will receive a full refund for any canceled Afterschool Adventures, Special Interest Class, or ACC (Added Care Club) bookings that are made by the 1st of the last month during the applicable trimester registration period. The last day to receive a refund for cancellations are as follows: Fall Trimester Registration Period: Sep 1, 2024 Winter Trimester Registration Period: Dec 1, 2024 Spring Trimester Registration Period: March 1, 2025 Families who cancel their enrollment after the aforementioned refund cut off date will receive a program credit for any cancellation. The credit does not expire and can be applied to any of our Explorers programs. Please contact for instructions on how to apply program credits to future purchases.