World Explorers Group has the dedicated mission to offer expert family education services including preschool, camp, and after-school services to children across the world. The foundation to our success stems from:
Our dedication to building community in the staff, families, and children we serve.
Our dedication to ensuring that our team is valued, has access to opportunities for growth, development, and success, and are able to benefit from the success of the company.
Our dedication to remain leaders in creative educational programming including direct services, curriculum development, and product development.
Our dedication to the whole child experience including attention to healthy eating, physical fitness, access to the math, science, and technology, and an appreciate for literature and art that reflects children in their own unique image.
In 2003, Kisha Edwards-Gandsy and Keyanna Murrill began laying the groundwork for NY City Explorers while in college at New York University. Starting with just a business plan, a cell phone, and little financial resources, the first programs debuted in New York City. As faithful teaching artists, they worked to design the first curriculums, excursion itineraries, creative child-care services and programs that have evolved into Brooklyn Explorers Academy Preschool, Backpacks & Binoculars camp and after school programs, and a host of creative enrichment classes, birthday parties, and flexible drop-off childcare programs. Starting with just their own personal work hours and a handful of families, their investment of time and faith has harvested opportunities for over 200 employees, and 1500 families across New York City over the last decade.
Our future includes national and international expansion, and philanthropic endeavors that ensure all children have access to high quality educational programs despite their family’s economic status.
IT Takes A Village. And You've Found One!