Good news!
Our company has partnered with BackToWork Solutions to provide on-site COVID-19 testing for you. We have arranged for highly convenient, on-site nasal swab PCR testing as part of our ongoing efforts to support a healthy and safe school for the children and families we serve. The tests are 100% optional for extended families of staff and children, required for all enrolled children unless there is a family exemption, and mandatory for all staff. All participants bear zero financial responsibility.
The testing program is funded by a combination of the government and your health insurance plan. There will be no charge to you for this service, regardless of the amount that your health insurance plan may cover. There will be no out-of-pocket cost and no copay. Any insurance charges that may occur will be handled through the business office as part of the contract between Back To Work Solutions and our company as a complimentary benefit for you.
Testing will begin on March 4th for staff and will continue weekly thereafter for staff, students, and extended families for the foreseeable future.
Thursdays, 3-6pm at 36 St. Felix Street
We are aware that this is a new program for our school, and we are available for any questions or concerns. Please freely reach out to our office with any questions.
Participation in the World Explorers COVID testing program is a 3-step process.
Step 1: REGISTER. Provide your consent and insurance information through the online portal. Test results will be shared with our school administration.
Step 2: COMPLETE A TELEMED EVALUATION. You will receive an email from David Boguslavsky, MD confirming your interest in being tested. Within the email there will be a link to book a Telemed appointment in order to obtain the prescription for the test. The Telemed appointments typically take place in the late afternoon or evenings, will take 5-10 minutes and can be completed from the comfort of your own home. You will receive an email from Back to Work Solutions confirming your Telemed appointment.
Step 3: RESERVE YOUR TEST TIME. After your Telemed appointment you will receive an email with a link to register for a time to take the test. Then, come to the garage at 36 St. Felix Street for your scheduled appointment time. Our team member Arlela Smith-Bryant will be present on each test day to offer any necessary on-site administrative support. A medical technician will administer the nasal swab PCR test. You will receive your test results in the online portal within 72 hours. The results will also be available to the school administration.
The portal is open today to begin the process: REGISTRATION PORTAL